Kosten einsparen durch betrieblichen Umweltschutz
Bei der PIUS-Tagung im April am Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld tauschten sich erneut Fachleute anhand erfolgreicher Praxisbeispiele des Produktionsintegrierten Umweltschutzes aus. Die facettenreichen Themen erfreuten sich aufgrund ihres ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Potenzials großer Beliebtheit beim Publikum.
Together strengthening the environmental technology sector in the Greater Region
Through networking and marketing, Greater Green, together with Ecoliance Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., promotes the regional players in the fields of environmental technologies.
Neobuild informs its members
In the member magazine of Neobuild Charles-Albert Florentin reports in an interview about the projects and plans with Greater Green.
High potential of environmental technology in the Greater Region
Greater Green takes stock of the year
Griese: Efficient use of resources protects our climate
"We can protect our climate by increasing resource efficiency," said State Secretary for the Environment Thomas Griese today at the specialist conference "The Challenge of Energy and Resource Efficiency" of the Association of German Engineers (VDI) in Andernach.
Griese: Rhineland-Palatinate is a pioneer in the circular economy
"Climate change and its consequences at regional and global level, as well as increasing resource consumption, are leading to steadily increasing pressure on the limited environmental resources available," said State Secretary for the Environment Thomas Griese at the end of the eighth International Circular Economy Week in Mainz.